Snow Crocus      An indie original character set in the Final Fantasy XIV universe.RP tag - usually people watching and open to contact.Does Vanille currently have red hair? Click HERE for an explanation (DAWNTRAIL SPOILERS)


30's . they/them . newfoundland time - 15+ yrs RP experience

TLDR: IC is not OOC, don't force anything on my characters without running it past me, I don't RP with kids, no bigotry, and my characters will never have exclusive ships.

I play two characters who are married to each other for a myriad of reasons, but mostly they're art related. I get the urge to draw nsfw/romantic art quite frequently and just using my own characters for it prevents any drama for who I do/do not choose to draw.They're both polyamorous, so it doesn't really matter in IC regards. They're both open to flings and hookups.

  001. 18+ Only   I do all sorts of RP from A to Z with a hefty dose of E, but it's not required or even really sought out at most times. That being said this character is strictly geared towards adults. I will not RP with any character or player under 18 except in the case of public RP events where I can't control who attends.  002. My character will never be monogamous    I get it - some people want one dedicated RP partner for everything. I cannot be that person. I've had boundaries pushed on an OOC level, so this will never happen. Multishipping is something I'll always do, but if you wish, I can create an offshoot timeline just for a particular ship. Communication between writers is key here.  003. I enjoy dark themes in fiction   as long as the story is engaging. So please don't be afraid of running something in particular by me. The worst I can say is no and I expect the same respect.  004. Keep IC and OOC separate    Just because characters may be romantically or sexually involved doesn't mean that we, the writers, are.I'm not interested in romantic connections. If something ever happens between friends organically that's one thing, but please do not approach this as if OOC dating will ever happen.  005. No grimdark without party hats    While dark and dramatic storytelling is great, much like watching a horror movie it can become emotionally intense for the writers. In these situations, I welcome and encourage someone bringing in something comedic or silly to break the tension.

  006. Unacceptable Themes   Transphobia, homophobia, racism, death of my character or permanent injury or dismemberment (unless discussed first).Consent is required to touch on any themes that may permanently alter another person's character.  007. Lore Adherence (semi-strict)   I generally try to adhere to the lore we're given and never actually break it. Literally everything I do with my characters ultimately has a basis in the lore and I am happy to chat about the lore and what we can do with it at any time - it's my special interest!That being said I believe in bending and extrapolating on the lore we're given (especially the parts that don't make sense or are contradictory within the game itself) to tell the stories we want to tell.I'm probably not interested in playing with a yakuza kitsune brother of hildibrand who is also half primal half voidsent half robot all in one, but honestly if you can come up with some kind of reasonable lore explanation for something you're doing I'll almost always happily go with it.  008. Interactions with canon character RPers   Ultimately I have no problem doing this, especially on platforms such as tumblr or F-list, but I will likely not consider them intimately canon to my characters.Should I, for example, have some kind of ongoing narrative with someone playing as Y'shtola and I feel like it's compelling enough to carry over into the main lore for my character, I'll likely swap Y'shtola herself for "a miqo'te wizard I know" to avoid stepping on anyone's toes regarding head canons and lore.  009. My discord handle is not for sale  


  NAME    Vanille Hayward (nee Brune)
  AGE    25
  PRONOUNS    she/her
  GENDER    cis woman
  SPECIES    Hyur
  BIRTHDATE    April 1
  SEXUALITY    Polyamorous, demiromantic lesbian
  NATIONALITY    Ishgardian
  TEMPERMENT    Sanguine

  HEIGHT    5'5''
  WEIGHT    Around 140 ponze
  BUILD    Curvy
  EYES    Green
  HAIR    Long and brown
  NOTABLE MARKS    Freckles
  LANGUAGES    Ishgardian, Sign, Common Eorzean
  ALIGNMENT    Neutral Good
  CLASS    CNJ, GRW (Green Witch), ARC

A Short Bio

  On first encounter,   Vanille comes off as sweet, gentle, and bubbly - and she is! Most would be forgiven for thinking that they're talking to an innocent ingenue, but that's just playing into her ploy. Not that she would have a ploy of any sort. No no.Vanille is a simple woman from simple, humble beginnings; her mother working as a maidservant in a minor noble house in Coerthas - and it meant that, after a long friendship with the daughter of the Lord, she would marry into nobility herself. She's still getting used to it, particularly the being called "Lady" part.Over time, Vanille has proven herself to be a particular talent in Conjury and later began developing her own art - that of the Green Witch - embracing both the beauty and the horror of nature to mend wounds and bring down wrath upon her enemies.Vanille's boundless empathy and optimism means that at her best she can be compassionate, gentle, and protective of others; however at her worst, she can be too trusting, something of a doormat, and occasionally gullible.

Sultana Grey tea, the color pink, tall women, lavender (the flower), snow crocus (the flower), warm sheep's milk with honey, mushrooms, fruit salad, rose wine, sunrise and sunset, the scent of rain in a forest.

People walking on her clean godsdamned floors. Cold weather.

Romantic drama books, sketching, solitaire, gardening, baking, herpetology, crystal collecting, mycology, dancing


For facts about House Hayward, please see Xavier's carrd.* While Vanille was raised in the Ishgardian tradition of Halonic worship, she's also come to revere Nophica as well.* Vanille's grandmother was a padjal who ran away from the Shroud so she could have a family.* Vanille is in possession of said grandmother's White Mage soulstone, but as it's badly damaged it can't be used for anything.* Vanille and her wife are polyamorous/swingers, and not ashamed of it. The line between friends and lovers is often blurred for the two of them. (They're also both played by the same player, for numerous reasons, mostly art related.)* She is mostly deaf in her left ear and uses a hearing aid.* Vanille has chronic migraines due to an incident during her deployment with the Garlemald Contingent (the same incident cost her her hearing).* Vanille has issues with how the Conjurers run Gridania. It doesn't stop her from working with them when necessary, though.* She has a deep and vested interest in all things mycology, fungi, and rot related.* The Green Witch's kit is envisioned as a more druidic offshoot of Conjurer, as opposed to the purely Holy themed White Mage. Mechanics involve brewing tinctures, calling upon nature to heal, crowd control with thorns and roots, and a dot called Cordyceps.* She's liable to use sweet pet names for most people, such as "dear", "darling", "sweetie", and the such, even those she views completely platonically.* She will frequently revert back to lowborn slang when stressed.* She has published a number of romance novels herself. Most of them involve werewolf pack dynamics that make no sense. They're a hit. Needless to say she uses a penname.* Vanille is very good at Gold Saucer minigames. Scarily so. She's not allowed to play them anymore.* She absolutely sucks at Triple Triad though.* She learned JUST enough Arcanima to summon a carbuncle. She keeps it as a pet.

The Magically Inclined
Vanille is a Green Witch, a more druidic offshoot of conjurer than white mage. This magic is partially her own creation, and partially that of her now-deceased grandmother. Magically inclined individuals may be able to engage with her in this regard.
Vanille is Ishgardian, though she rarely ventured into the city proper while growing up. Nevertheless, I'm always open to connections with other Ishgardian roleplayers for pre-established connections.
Ishgardian Nobility
Having recently married into nobility, Vanille is still getting her legs in the whole situation. How other nobles treat her varies greatly, from looking down on her to considering her an equal. Interesting connections with other noble RPers could be possible here.
Need a healer? Vanille is your girl.
Voidsent Hunting
Vanille's wife is a voidsent hunter. Of course she's going to be versed in it too! It's a dangerous sport and they need constant healing after all.
Garlemald Contingent
Vanille was part of the deployment to Garlemald for her healing arts, alongside her wife and their mutual friend. Connections could be made with other characters who were present for this event.
Beautiful Women
All women are QUEENS- I mean. Vanille has a lovely taste for women. She and her wife are both polyamorous so she's always happy to make new connections - whether they turn out to be just friends, a fling, friends with benefits, or something a little more serious (which would need OOC planning, as Vanille being demiromantic will take time to warm up to someone enough to want them as a romantic partner). This obviously includes trans women. Butches extra included - Vanille adores them. Women-adjacent nonbinary types? Also loved. She may also be willing to consider completely neutral-gendered (such as agender with no lean one way or the other) on a case by case basis. Absolutely no men or men-adjacent beyond friendship.
We're interested in ethical non-monogamy only, and there will be no cheating here.


ft. xavier hayward (mateus)
ft. svana arkwight (malboro)

